Why should I choose ESAM Academy?

ESAM Academy is a non-profit organisation that was established by the European Society of Aerospace Medicine (ESAM) to support training, advancement of knowledge, and interest in aerospace medicine. Our training courses provide the following benefits:

  • Courses in English
  • EASA-compliant curricula
  • Practical concepts taught on-site
  • Theoretical concepts taught online
  • Experienced instructors from across Europe

Our alumni, member network, and board of directors includes diverse and experienced professionals who are ready to support you on your journey to becoming an aeromedical examiner (AME).

When is the next course?

The dates for the next course will be posted on our website once the details are finalised. If you would like to receive an email once the details are posted, please join our course notification email list.

Where are your courses held?

For theoretical instruction, our courses are held online. For practical training, our courses are held on-site at our partner aeromedical centers and training facilities across Europe. To date, these locations include Norway, Belgium, Lithuania, and Germany.

Who certifies your courses?

As we are a non-profit organisation registered in Norway, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Norway certifies our courses to ensure compliance with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) guidelines.

Where is an ESAM Academy AME Certification recognized?

ESAM Academy courses receive accreditation by the Norwegian CAA. As Norway is an EASA Member State, Article 11.1 of EASA Basic Regulations provides for mutual recognition of AME certification between EASA Member States (https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/document-library/regulations/mutual-recognition).

If you do not work in an EASA Member State, please confirm in writing with your country's CAA that our course certification would be recognized, as the decision for certification recognition is made by the CAA of the country in which you practice medicine.

What does completing your courses provide me?

Completing our basic aeromedical examiner course provides theoretical and practical training for class 2 (private) pilot aeromedical examinations in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 Part-MED MED.D.020 ct. AMC1 MED.D.020 and GM1 MED.D.020

Completing our advanced aeromedical examiner course provides theoretical and practical training for class 1 (commercial) pilot aeromedical examinations in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 Part-MED MED.D.020 ct. AMC2 MED.D.020 and GM2 MED.D.020.

What is the price of your courses?

The price for our courses changes slightly based on the location. In general, you can see the prices and the hours of instruction provided for previous courses on our website.

What does the course fee provide?

The course fee provides access to course materials, hands-on training facilities, high quality instructors, and on-site lunches. The course fee does not cover travel and accommodation costs related to on-site practical training.

Must I complete specialist training before registering for your course?

As per EASA regulation MED.D.010 (https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/Easy_Access_Rules_for_Medical_Requirements-Jun20.pdf), completion of specialist training is required for the issuance of an AME certificate. Any specialisation is sufficient as long as the requirements in MED.D.010 are met.

Is your course recognized in the United Kingdom (UK)?

Linked below are the criteria for UK Aeromedical Examiner Certification:


The UK is no longer an EASA Member State. As such, the UK civil aviation authority has given us no indication that they would recognise our EASA certification.

Therefore, to ensure full compliance with the new UK criteria and certification recognition, we would recommend that you consider enrolling in a course that fulfills the UK CAA requirements. One example is the King's College London basic AME course, linked below:


Can I register for your courses if I work outside of an EASA Member State, for example, in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, or the Americas?

We are unable to guarantee that our course certification would be recognized by civil aviation authorities outside of EASA Member States. Therefore, we would recommend contacting your CAA to verify whether or not our course certification would be recognized in your country. In special future circumstances, we may design a course for AMEs practicing outside of EASA Member States. However, our primary aim is to provide AME training that meets the demand within EASA Member States.

How can I register for your next course?

Visit the appropriate course registration page on our website and complete the registration form. Upon registration, your application will be reviewed. After review is completed, admissions decisions will be communicated to applicants. Admission to our courses are granted on a first come, first served basis.

Do you cooperate with other aeromedical training facilities and organizations?

Yes. Cooperation with aeromedical training facilities and organizations is important to ESAM Academy. To date, we have formed partnerships in Norway, Belgium, Lithuania, and Germany. If you have questions or proposals for cooperation we look forward to hearing your ideas.