Ries Simons is senior consultant in Aerospace Medicine. He is co-chairman of the Advisory Board of the European Society of Aerospace Medicine (ESAM), vice-chair of the ESAM Academy, member of the Space Medicine Group of ESAM, member of the Air Transport Medicine Committee of the Aerospace Medical Association (USA), and member of the Board of the European Pilot Peer Support Initiative (EPPSI).
He was/is lecturer at several EASA workshops and international refresher courses. Expertise and current research includes 1) sleep and alertness management for safety-sensitive professionals and military missions; 2) medical and human factor aspects of aerospace medicine and working under extreme conditions; 3) effects of operational and environmental factors on health and performance of aviators and astronauts; 4) effects of alcohol, drugs, and medication on operator alertness and performance.
Ries authored many scientific articles and is author of the chapter “Assessment for fatigue among pilots” of the book “Pilot Mental Health Screening and Assessment: A Practitioners Guide” (2016) and the chapter “Physiology in different microgravity environments” of the book “Space Safety and Human Performance”(2017).